MOXI™ Laser
The Perfect Complement to Any Skincare Regimen
The perfect complement to any skincare regimen!
Patients around the globe love MOXI™. The gentle yet powerful fractionated laser was designed with everyone in mind. It’s ideal for patients who want to delay the appearance of aging or those looking to maintain beautiful skin with little to no downtime or discomfort.
The procedure ranges from 45 minutes - 1 hour, MOXI™ comfortably delivers non-ablative laser energy to correct the initial signs of sun damage and aging. No matter the season or skin type, for a glowing and clear complexion. MOXI™ combined with BBL® HERO™️ is a VERY powerful dual treatment for addressing the appearance of aging skin in all skin types.
Treatable Areas?
Neck, Chest, Arms, Hands, Legs and Face.
It’s ideal for all patients of all skin types who are just beginning their skin care journey or those looking for a light resurfacing option that can be performed anytime of year. The MOXI™ is amazing for uneven skin tones, pigmentation and sun damage, texture and sign of aging!
Anywhere from 2-4 treatments are normally recommended (depending on your goals, and where your skin is currently at) This would be assessed in your consultation.